Work PLan

The project has a duration of 3 years (2021-2023) and the following activities will be carried out in each year:

1.1 Survey for identification of R&D needs

An analysis of regional and local research and development needs in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) was made by: (1) Compiling previous analyses, documents and reports in these fields; (2) Elaborating a survey questionnaire and distributing it among relevant stakeholders in both countries; (3) Analyzing information and survey, focusing in training needs, GIT priorities and opportunities; and (4) Integrating the results in a written report and disseminate it.

  Survey questionnaire:

GeoTAK research and development in GIT survey questionnaire report:

      • Needs Analysis Report (.pdf)
2.1 Creation of National Research Nodes in Geoinformation Technologies (NRN-GIT)

One National Research Node (NRN) has been created by country. NRN are non-physical research centers to promote the collaboration between partner universities in the research and development of Geoinformation Technologies (GIT), to promote the exchange of ideas, activities, joint theses at post-graduate level, etc., providing sustainability to the NRN.

NRN-GIT agreements:

2.2 Creation of advisory boards for NRN-GIT

Each partner country selected between 10 and 18 suitable candidates from strategic stakeholders in the areas of innovation applications in GIT. The Boards were composed of representatives with management tasks from government bodies and agencies, GIT industry, and higher education partner institutions. The Boards are having annual meetings and advising the NRN-GIT in each partner country during and after the project.

    • List of members of the Advisory Board (Armenia) (.pdf)
    • List of members of the Advisory Board (Kyrgyzstan) (.pdf)


3.1 Analysis of needs and equipment acquisition

A careful definition of needs for equipment and software was done. The purchase was made strictly following the official national procedures in Armenia and Kyrgystan, and presented and evaluated by partners. The phases followed were:

  1. Partner country universities carried out a careful analysis of needs.
  2. Definition of equipment and analyse acquisition options per country were done.
  3. Collection of tenders from major software and hardware providers.
  4. Final decision and purchase of equipment and software.
    • Initial list of GeoTAK equipment (.pdf)

Equipment purchases by partner university:

    • National University Of Architecture And Construction Of Armenia (NUACA) (.pdf).
    • Yerevan State University (YSU) (.pdf).
    • Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) (.pdf)
    • Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU)
        • Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov (KSUCTA) (.pdf and more news)
        • Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after academic U. Asanaliev (KSMU) (.pdf)
    • Osh Technological University named after M.M. Adyshev (OshTU) (.pdf)
3.2 Create/update research and innovation labs in GIT

GIT research and innovation laboratories have been created/update in each university. The equipment was installed and tested. A short training of the software by EU staff and students was implemented. In addition, opening ceremonies were held for the new GIT research and innovation labs where university staff, students, social partners and the media were invited. These events were used to explain to the society the main future activities.

Opening the new Lab in GIT in Osh Technological University

On Tuesday, March 22, the opening ceremony of the first in situ activities of the GeoTAK project was held at Osh Technological University.

More news.

Opening of the Lab in GIT at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA)

On Friday, March 25, 2022, in the morning, the updated laboratory in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) at KSUCTA was officially openned.

More news: GeoTAK Spain and GeoTAK Kyrgyz website.

Opening of the Lab in GIT at the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources (KSMU)

On the evening of Friday, March 25, 2022, the opening of the new laboratory in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) was held at the Kyrgyz State Univ. of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources, named after academic U. Asanaliev (KSMU).

More news: GeoTAK Spain and GeoTAK Kyrgyz website. 

Opening of the Lab in GIT at the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)

On the morning of Monday, October 10, 2022, the opening of the new laboratory in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) was held at the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU).

More news.

Opening of the Lab in GIT at the Yerevan State University (YSU)

In the afternoon of Thursday, January 11, 2024, the official opening of the new laboratory in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) was held at the Yerevan State University (YSU). This laboratory has been in use since the equipment was acquired.

More news: GeoTAK websiteYSU websiteYoutube and Facebook.

Existing Lab in GIT was updated at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA).

3.3/0 Delivering GIT training courses: Additional training on GIT basics

Previous to the presential courses and as a consequence of the mobility restrictions produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, a online course was implemented. This course was focused on the basic concepts in Geoinformation Technologies such as “Fundamentals of remote sensing”, “Copernicus – Sentinel: platforms, sensors and data” or “LiDAR systems and applications”. Specialists from the European partners (UL, VUB, UPV and KTH) participated in this course. All interested professors and students from Armenian and Kyrgyz universities participated in this online training.

The contents were sent in advance to all partners and the evaluation was done at the end.

3.3/1 Delivering GIT training courses: Land

This course was divided into two parts, one held in Ljubljana and the other one in Yerevan.

    • The course in Ljubljana was focused on land use/Land cover classification techniques and UAV photogrammetric data processing techniques. VUB has extensive experience in this subject, and an additional specialist from UL participated in the course. A total of 37 participants were selected, 7 persons in situ and 30 persons online. All Armenian participants were online: 8 persons from NUACA, 4 from YSU, 3 from ANUA and MESCS, and 2 from CCRA. From the Kyrgyz partners, 3 persons from KSUCTA, 1 from KSMU and 3 from OshTU were able to travel. Also attending by videoconference were 8 persons from KSUCTA and 2 from KSMU.

    • The course in Yerevan was focused on the techniques of Gravity, geoid and geodetic reference systems, UAV photogrammetric flight planning and Land mapping using hyperspectral data with former specialists from KTH, VUB, UL and UPV. A total of 38 participants were selected: 4 persons from NUACA, 15 from ANUA, 6 from YSU, 3 persons each from MESCS and KSMU, 2 from CCRA, KSUCTA, OshTU and 1 from Goscartography.

The contents were sent in advance to all partners and the evaluation was done at the end.

3.3/2 Delivering GIT training courses: Natural Resources

This course was conducted in a hybrid form (online and presential) as the Armenian, Slovenian and Belgian partners were unable to travel to Kyrgyzstan due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine. This course was focused on natural resources, particularly sustainable use, and exploitation of natural resources using remote sensing. From Slovenia and Belgium, the professors from UL and VUB conducted the classes online and the professors from UPV provided the classes in Osh. A total of 17 persons from Kyrgyzstan participated in situ and 10 persons from Armenia participated telematically. Contents were sent in advance to all partners.

At the same time, the KTH professors conducted a lectures for students and teachers of KSUCTA and KSMU in Bishkek. The main topics of these lectures were: “Satellite-based Earth monitoring using altimetry” and “Mathematical basics for GIT students”.

4 Quality control activities

In order to become familiar with the procedures of the Erasmus + program and the practical issues of implementing this type of project, an online meeting was held with the National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan. Also in this activity, other Erasmus+ projects in Kyrgyzstan were presented. During this activity special attention was paid to the issues of ensuring the quality of curricula development, project implementation in accordance with the project work plan, logical matrix, measures for the sustainability of the project, as well as achieving the project objectives taking into account the current situation with COVID.

Meeting of the CBHE project representatives in Kyrgyzstan was organized at KSUCTA on 6 April 2021.

The project has concluded the 3 years of project organising all the events that were planned. For some activities, there have been certain delayed. In terms of risks, the official and recognition of Industrial Ph.Ds in beneficiary countries may take longer than expected. The internal quality report number 4 summarizes the perceptions of the participants from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan regarding the trainings implemented throughout the project and the entrepreneurship workshop in Stockholm. It also summarizes the risks per work package and the progress of activities throughout the project.

Session on quality assurance at the final event in Yerevan on January 11, 2024. In this session, participants were asked for the first image of the GEOTAK project and project coordination, and a SWOT analysis was organized by groups to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

4.1 Quality plan: creation and development

A quality assurance plan was developed by VUB partner country institution with the participation and support of other national partners and EU universities. The purpose was to foster the sustainability of curricula developed with the engagement of social stakeholders.

4.2 Monitoring visits

Field monitoring visits to organisations in the Partner Countries are particularly important in order to evaluate the impact of the project in these countries and to assess the sustainability prospects of the project outcomes.

These visits provided an opportunity to ensure sound and effective management of the CBHE funds and at the same time provided increased visibility of the EU support in the target countries.

Some of the activities carried out during the visits to the Partner Countries were:

  • Received feedback and reports from partners about the development of project activities and potential problems
  • Meeting were held with students and social stakeholders to collect opinions about project implementation and dissemination
  • Analysed the relationship between partners and identify communication lacks
  • Discussed and proposed solutions to improve the efficiency of the project

European partners visit Goscartography in Biskek on March 26th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rectors of ANAU, NUACA and YSU on October 14th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rector of OshTU on June 1st, 2023, to discuss the implementation of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the IWM laboratory created by the project in 2022.

Meeting with OshTU teachers to monitor curriculum development, June 3 2023Attendance list.

Meeting with the professors of KSTU on June 6th, 2023, to discuss the programs of subjects of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the GIT laboratory created by the project in 2022. Attendance list.

5.1 Project kick-off meeting

The first kick-off meeting took place online in Bishkek co-organised by KSUCTA and KSMU.

      • The partners were introduced
      • The project proposal was revised
      • A project management group was formed
      • A quality committee was formed
      • Quality plan draft was discussed
      • A work plan was done for the first year.

The KoM was conducted in three days:

Day 1

        • About GeoTAK (.pdf)
        • GeoTAK description (.pdf)
        • Presentations of partner universities: KTH, UL, VUB, ANAU, NUACA, YSU, KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU
        • Presentations of industrial partners and collaborators: CCRA,MESCS, Goscartography, MOES and KyrgyzGeoTech LLC.

Day 2

        • Presentations from industry on research & innovation projects in Geomatics (.pdf)
        • Presentations of project teams, postgraduate programs and accreditation steps (.pdf1 and .pdf2)
        • GeoTAK Technical aspects (.pdf)

Day 3

        • GeoTAK Project Management Meeting (I) (.pdf)
        • Financial rules, justification, image and dissemination (.pdf)
        • Procedure for GIT equipment procurement (.pdf)

5.2 Daily project management

Regular activities related to planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting between coordinator and partners were carried out throughout the project.

5.3 Project management meetings

The project management committee held sixteen meetings throughout the project, 9 online and 7 in situ. To be cost-effective, the last ones were scheduled in conjunction with other project activities.

At the meetings, the working group leader presented reports of the work done, discussed the activities, and developed work plans for upcoming activities for the next few months.

Project Management Meeting Online (February 11 and 12, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (March 26, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (May 7, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (June 24, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (October 29, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (January 21, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in KSUCTA, Bishkek (March 26, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UL, Ljubljana (June 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (October 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (November 29, 2022):

Project Management Meeting online (March 10, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in KTH, Stockholm (June 21, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (October 20, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (November 24, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (December 7, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (January 11, 2024):

5.4 One-on-one meetings by videoconferences

One-on-one meetings were organised among partners as a complement to the project management meetings, in order to face specific aspects or management problems of the project that required fast communication.

6 Dissemination activities

The Dissemination & Exploitation plan has been prepared.

In Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, local partners have held events or disseminated news to promote the GeoTAK project.

    • News in the Armenian National Agrarian University.
    • National KoM meeting Erasmus + CBHE projects 2020, celebrated online on 17 and 18 March 2021. Agenda and more news.
    • GeoTAK project in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

    • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

    • Visit to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). In this Center, the Armenian and Kyrgyz partners were able to see the work that CRED has been developing for more than 40 years in the fields of international disaster and conflict health studies, with activities linking relief, rehabilitation and development. CRED also had the opportunity to learn about the GeoTAK project so that joint activities can be developed in the future.

    • The Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia announces on its website its support for the pilot Ph.D. program in the field of Geographic Information Technologies with specializations “Geodesy, including cartography and cadastre” and “Geography” between three universities of Armenia: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University and National Agrarian University of Armenia.
    • The GeoTAK project was presented at the Central Asia GIS Conference – GISCA 2023: “Geospatial approaches to understanding a changing world” in a special session. In this session, a member of each of the GeoTAK project partners presented different aspects of the project.

    • On June 29, 2023, within the framework of the GeoTAK project, GeoTAK project coordinator Luis Á. Ruiz, Professor Francisco Buchon of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and the Armenian coordinator Varazdat Hovhannisyan were at the Cadastre Committee to finalize aspects of the industrial Ph.D.

    • ANAU presented the GeoTAK project at Harvest Festival: Rural Life and Traditions in September 2023.

    • ANAU hosts high school students at the GIT lab to promote and promote the university. More news.

    • A meeting was held with all partners to finalize the agenda for the final events of the project to be celebrated on January 8-12, 2024, in Yerevan, Armenia.

    • A total of 19 news items have been published on the ANUA website related to: 1) the participation of ANUA professors in GeoTAK activities, 2) the events in which ANAU has participated and publicized the GeoTAK project, the new GIT laboratory, and the new Ph.D. program.
6.1 Project website and social networks

Three main project websites were done by UPV, KSUCTA and NUACA connected to other informative websites in partner and programme country universities and UPV, as coordinator. To create and maintain the web pages, the project considered:

  • The structure and contents of the websites were defined by all partners.
  • The management committee of the project is in charge of coordinating the continuous update of the information.
  • An intranet is included for internal communication on the main website.

The web pages and WhatsApp group will be maintained until the end of the project and beyond to support sustainability.

Publication of news related to project activities in social networks:

6.2 Promotion of NRN-GIT

In this activity, digital and printed promotion booklets and brochures of the GeoTAK project were published in partner countries.

NRN-GIT was promoted by booklets, brochures and reports, by involved partners. Continuing education was advertised by mailing, in digital form and short descriptive digital brochures to target stakeholders. Electronic technical booklets were published through the internet and distributed.

NRN-GIT dissemination activities:

      • Skateholder meeting in the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA) in Biskek, to foster the advance of future activities. Agenda and more news.

      • Meeting at the cadaster Committee of the RA with stakeholders, presenting the results of the survey in GIT and debating the missions of the NRC in AR. More news.

      • GeoTAK NRN-GIT in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

      • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project and the NRN-GIT by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

      • On July 7, 2023, the meeting of the Geomatics Center of the Cadastre Committee of the advisory board of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Integrated Cadastre was held under the chairmanship of the Committee, with the participation of the universities involved in the GeoTAK project. More news.

1.2 Workshops on research and innovation


On October 26-27, 2023, the Workshop on Research and Innovation was held at Yerevan State University (YSU) in Yerevan, Armenia. In this event, the results of the needs analysis of local and national needs for research and development in the field of GIT carried out within the framework of the GeoTAK project were presented, as well as the new Ph.D. program to be carried out jointly at three universities: YSU, NUACA, and ANAU.



On December 22, 2023, the Workshop on Research and Innovation was held at Asanaliev Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, in Bishkek ( Kyrgyzstan). The workshop was attended by industrial companies such as State Cartography, State Registration Service, Kumtor Mining Company, Kyrgyzgeology, KyrgyzGeoTech, university professors, and experts in GIT.

The main topics discussed were:

    • Introduction to the GeoTAK project and new PhD programs.
    • Disclosure of the concept of Industrial PhD programs.
    • Studying new approaches in Mining education.
    • Decision-making in geotechnical and environmental sciences using advanced modeling.
    • Modern environmental monitoring using cloud technologies.
    • Advances in the mining field and practical examples of using geological information systems.
    • Use of remote sensing data for crop monitoring.
    • Understanding the role of geodetic coordinate systems in Kyrgyzstan.

1.2 Workshop in R&I

Discussions and expert opinions during the workshop provided insight into the cutting edge of GIT and its impact on various sectors. This collaborative platform hosted interesting discussions and exchanges of views, shedding light on innovative approaches in GIT and its application in the industry.

2.3 Definition and fostering industrial PhD thesis in GIT

In this task, the concept of industrial PhD was introduced and regulated in partner country universities with the collaboration of industry. Ministries of Education and university administrations played an important role. An industrial PhD agreement has been signed in each country with two public administration entities. In Kyrgyzstan, the agreement was made with State Cartographic-Geodetic Service at the Kyrgyz State Agency for Land Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Goscartography), and in Armenia, with the Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia.

Meeting on January 12, 2024, to sign the agreement between Cadastre Comitte and three Universities with the participation of the EU partners.

An industrial PhD thesis is a research developed within a company (private sector company, public sector or public administration) in any area of knowledge, industrial research work or experimental development. It pretends to promote research in the business sector and the participation of the industry in doctoral programs, encourage the transfer of knowledge in the university and its environment, and promote the labour insertion of interested young people.

Presentation by the GeoTAK coordinator of the industrial Ph.D. concept at the Curricula Development Workshop in Lujbliana on June 16, 2022.

Presentation by Akylbek Chymyrov about the Concept of Industrial Ph.D. programs of KSTU in the National GeoTAK Workshop on Research and Innovation in Bishkek on December 22, 2023.

3.3/3 Delivering GIT training courses: Cultural Heritage

The course in Valencia at UPV was focused on Cultural Heritage. Specifically, three topics were explained: “Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) concepts, applications and data collection”;  “Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) in cultural heritage: data collection and 3D reconstruction”; and “Multiband techniques for CH documentation” by UPV teachers. In addition, the new UPV teachers Julia & Denys Gorkovchuk from Ukraine presented “Geoinformation tools for Cultural Heritage”. A total of 30 participants were selected: 6 persons from NUACA, 4 persons each from ANUA and KSMU, 3 persons each from YSU, MESCS, KSUCTA and OshTU, 2 persons each from CCRA and Goscartography.

3.3/4 Delivering GIT training courses: Natural Hazards

The course at VUB in Brussels, between from December 5 to 8, 2022, was focused on Natural Hazard. Specifically, three topics were explained: “Remote sensing for geohazard mapping and monitoring”;  “Hyperspectral remote sensing 4”; “Rapid flood mapping with SAR images in GEE”; and “Photogrammetry, Geohazards and Volcanology” by VUB and UPV teachers. A total of 19 participants were selected: 4 persons from KSMU, 3 persons each from ANUA, NUACA, OshTU and KSUCTA, 2 persons from CCRA and 1 person from YSU.

3.4/1 Transversal training: Curricula development in Higher Education

The EU partners have organized a transversal training course divided into four parts. 

The first part has taken place online due to delays in the project activity schedule as a result of COVID-19. The workshop consisted of a four-hour where experts from EU partner universities and an invited external expert from JagiellonianUniversity (Krakow, Poland) discussed the basic information on the Bologna Process, European Higher Education Area, Bologna tools, Qualifications frameworks, factors to be taken into account in the Curriculum development, etc.

The second part has tak place in Ljubljana (UL) and consisted in three days workshop in quality assurance in higher education with the participation of the same experts for training in good practices in quality assurance and implementing EU standards. 

The third part took place in Brussels (VUB) and consisted in showing a real case of the PhD programs performance in an EU university, as well as the rules and procedures for the accreditation of PhD programs.

The fourth part was held in Cholponata (Bulan-Segettu, KSTU, Kyrgyzstan) on June 7 and 8, 2023, where professors from the universities of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan had the opportunity to present the new courses of the doctoral programs and received the comments and observations of the European partners. 

3.5 Curricula development at postgraduate level

In this task, each partner university has created interdisciplinary curricula in GIT at master and/or PhD level adapted to their needs, and developed course contents and teaching materials. The reform of curricula or creation of interdisciplinary doctorate per partner country university has focused in the application of new Geoinformation Technologies and modern equipment to the relevant research topics identified in WP1, integrating topics and involving external stakeholders from administration and industry in the definition of goals.

Curricula development:

        • KSTU:
          • KSUCTA
            • Ph.D. License (.pdf).
            • Ph.D. Program “Geodesy and Geoinformation Technologies” (English and Russian).
          • KSMU
          • Official co-supervision of Ph.D. thesis in the new doctorate program of KSTU by GeoTAK EU professors: 2023 y 2024.
        • OshTU:
          • Ph.D. License (.pdf).
          • Ph.D. Program “Cartography and Geoinformatics” (English and Russian).
        • Joint Armenian Degree on Geoinformation Technology between ANAU, YSU and NUACA:

Related activities:

        • Inter-Project meeting between ARMDOCT and GeoTAK. The consortium members of Erasmus + ARMDOCT and GEOTAK projects co-funded by the EU met to discuss cooperation possibilities for the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia and to strengthen the project outcomes on the national level. More News.
        • Meeting in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia with the Deputy Minister. More News.

3.6 Development of courses and materials

New course contents in GIS, applied photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy, 3D visualization, etc. are being developed. For each course, the following information is included: course name, semester, ECTS, learning objectives, competencies, prerequisites, theoretical lessons, practical exercises and projects, bibliography and other sources, faculty, and other information required by the regulations of each university.

Course description (Syllabus):

KSTU – KSUCTA (Geodesy and GeoInformation Technologies)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Pedagogy and psychology of high school: Syllabus
          • Critical thinking and research: Syllabus
          • Introduction to Geospatial Programming: Syllabus
          • Coordinate Systems in Geodesy: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies: Syllabus
          • Integrated Positioning and Navigation – Physical Geodesy: Syllabus
          • Remote Sensing Applications in Land and Environmental Management – Spatial Data Infrastructure: Syllabus

KSTU – KSMU (Applied Geology)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Modern Data Analysis Methods: Syllabus
          • Digital Technologies in Applied Geology – Modeling of Geological Objects and Processes: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies in Geology: Syllabus
          • Innovative Methods and Technologies in Search and Exploration of Mineral Resources: Syllabus
          • Modern Methods and Technologies of Remote Sensing in Geology: Syllabus

KSTU – KSMU (Mining)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Research and application of software systems in mining: Syllabus
          • Digital technologies in mine surveying: movement and deformation of rocks due to mining: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies in Mining: Syllabus
          • Perspective Geotechnologies for Open Pit Mining of Mineral Deposits: Syllabus
          • Perspective Geotechnologies for Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits: Syllabus

OshTU (Cartography and GeoInformatics)

NUACA (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

YSU (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

ANAU  (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

4.1 Quality plan: Development

A quality assurance plan was developed by VUB partner country institution with the participation and support of other national partners and EU universities. The purpose was to foster the sustainability of curricula developed with the engagement of social stakeholders.

4.2 Monitoring visits

Field monitoring visits to organisations in the Partner Countries are particularly important in order to evaluate the impact of the project in these countries and to assess the sustainability prospects of the project outcomes.

These visits provided an opportunity to ensure sound and effective management of the CBHE funds and at the same time provided increased visibility of the EU support in the target countries.

Some of the activities carried out during the visits to the Partner Countries were:

    • Received feedback and reports from partners about the development of project activities and potential problems
    • Meeting were held with students and social stakeholders to collect opinions about project implementation and dissemination
    • Analysed the relationship between partners and identify communication lacks
    • Discussed and proposed solutions to improve the efficiency of the project

European partners visit Goscartography in Biskek on March 26th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rectors of ANAU, NUACA and YSU on October 14th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rector of OshTU on June 1st, 2023, to discuss the implementation of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the IWM laboratory created by the project in 2022.

Meeting with OshTU teachers to monitor curriculum development, June 3 2023Attendance list.

Meeting with the professors of KSTU on June 6th, 2023, to discuss the programs of subjects of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the GIT laboratory created by the project in 2022. Attendance list.

4.3 External evaluation

An independent international expert evaluated the project on-site at the end of the third year. The external evaluator traveled to Armenia at the same time as the final activities of the project and met with the main stakeholders (teachers, students, administration, and industry), visited the new GIT laboratories, analyzed the development of the curricula and the results of the quality assurance presented to him by each partner.

The expert has written two evaluation reports highlighting the main developments and relevant issues and making suggestions to the partners to improve the results. This complemented the institutional and national-level evaluation conducted during the project.

5.2 Daily project management

Regular activities related to planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting between coordinator and partners were carried out throughout the project.

5.3 Project management meetings

The project management committee held sixteen meetings throughout the project, 9 online and 7 in situ. To be cost-effective, the last ones were scheduled in conjunction with other project activities.

At the meetings, the working group leader presented reports of the work done, discussed the activities, and developed work plans for upcoming activities for the next few months.

Project Management Meeting Online (February 11 and 12, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (March 26, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (May 7, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (June 24, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (October 29, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (January 21, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in KSUCTA, Bishkek (March 26, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UL, Ljubljana (June 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (October 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (November 29, 2022):

Project Management Meeting online (March 10, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in KTH, Stockholm (June 21, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (October 20, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (November 24, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (December 7, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (January 11, 2024):

5.4 One-on-one meetings by videoconferences

One-on-one meetings were organised among partners as a complement to the project management meetings, in order to face specific aspects or management problems of the project that required fast communication.

6 Dissemination activities

The Dissemination & Exploitation plan has been prepared.

In Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, local partners have held events or disseminated news to promote the GeoTAK project.

    • News in the Armenian National Agrarian University.
    • National KoM meeting Erasmus + CBHE projects 2020, celebrated online on 17 and 18 March 2021. Agenda and more news.
    • GeoTAK project in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

    • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

    • Visit to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). In this Center, the Armenian and Kyrgyz partners were able to see the work that CRED has been developing for more than 40 years in the fields of international disaster and conflict health studies, with activities linking relief, rehabilitation and development. CRED also had the opportunity to learn about the GeoTAK project so that joint activities can be developed in the future.

    • The Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia announces on its website its support for the pilot Ph.D. program in the field of Geographic Information Technologies with specializations “Geodesy, including cartography and cadastre” and “Geography” between three universities of Armenia: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University and National Agrarian University of Armenia.
    • The GeoTAK project was presented at the Central Asia GIS Conference – GISCA 2023: “Geospatial approaches to understanding a changing world” in a special session. In this session, a member of each of the GeoTAK project partners presented different aspects of the project.

    • On June 29, 2023, within the framework of the GeoTAK project, GeoTAK project coordinator Luis Á. Ruiz, Professor Francisco Buchon of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and the Armenian coordinator Varazdat Hovhannisyan were at the Cadastre Committee to finalize aspects of the industrial Ph.D.
    • ANAU presented the GeoTAK project at Harvest Festival: Rural Life and Traditions in September 2023.

    • ANAU hosts high school students at the GIT lab to promote and promote the university. More news.

    • A meeting was held with all partners to finalize the agenda for the final events of the project to be celebrated on January 8-12, 2024, in Yerevan, Armenia.

    • A total of 19 news items have been published on the ANUA website related to: 1) the participation of ANUA professors in GeoTAK activities, 2) the events in which ANAU has participated and publicized the GeoTAK project, the new GIT laboratory, and the new Ph.D. program.
6.1 Project website and social networks

Three main project websites were done by UPV, KSUCTA and NUACA connected to other informative websites in partner and programme country universities and UPV, as coordinator. To create and maintain the web pages, the project considered:

  • The structure and contents of the websites were defined by all partners.
  • The management committee of the project is in charge of coordinating the continuous update of the information.
  • An intranet is included for internal communication on the main website.

The web pages and WhatsApp group will be maintained until the end of the project and beyond to support sustainability.

Publication of news related to project activities in social networks:

6.2 Promotion of NRN-GIT

In this activity, digital and printed promotion booklets and brochures of the GeoTAK project were published in partner countries.

NRN-GIT was promoted by booklets, brochures and reports, by involved partners. Continuing education was advertised by mailing, in digital form and short descriptive digital brochures to target stakeholders. Electronic technical booklets were published through the internet and distributed.

NRN-GIT dissemination activities:

      • Skateholder meeting in the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA) in Biskek, to foster the advance of future activities. Agenda and more news.

      • Meeting at the cadaster Committee of the RA with stakeholders, presenting the results of the survey in GIT and debating the missions of the NRC in AR. More news.

      • GeoTAK NRN-GIT in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

      • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project and the NRN-GIT by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

      • On July 7, 2023, the meeting of the Geomatics Center of the Cadastre Committee of the advisory board of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Integrated Cadastre was held under the chairmanship of the Committee, with the participation of the universities involved in the GeoTAK project. More news.
6.4 Actions to ensure project sustainability

This task force is focusing on promoting the maintenance of the project’s achievements and philosophy in the long term, involving the Advisory Board, higher education institutions, students and society in promoting ideas and activities that will ensure sustainability. The cooperation agreement following the creation of NRN-GIT, is being signed by universities, industry and administration, future research collaboration activities and standards have been defined, and an important link is being created for the exploitation and sustainability of the project. During the project, meetings and workshops are being scheduled to engage stakeholders and promote sustainability.

    • Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to facilitate the beginning of a piloting Ph.D. joint programme. More news.

    • Meeting in Goscartography to analyze national needs in KG and focus GeoTAK actions and trainings. More news.

    • Meetings of the project management committee with the rectors of the 6 PC universities, consolidating their support and fostering sustainability. More news.
    • The consortium members of Erasmus+ ARMDOCT and GEOTAK projects co-funded by the EU met to discuss cooperation possibilities for the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia and to strengthen the project outcomes on the national level. More news.

    • Agreement between KSTU and NUACA on joint academic programs, project work and students and teachers mobility (.pdf).
    • Agreement between KSTU and Goskartography for the implementation of industrial Ph.D. (.pdf).
    • Meeting with the authorities and team of ANAU. More news.

    • Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to initiate the piloting Ph.D. joint programme. More news.

    • Meeting in Cadastre Committe to consolidate the industrial Ph.D. agreement. More news.

    • Official co-supervision of Ph.D. thesis in the new doctorate program of KSTU by GeoTAK EU professors: 2023 y 2024.

2.4 International workshop “Sharing experiences in R&I”

On January 9 and 10, 2024, the workshop ‘Sharing Experiences in Research and Innovation‘ was held at NUACA (Yerevan, Armenia). At this workshop, researchers and stakeholders representatives of companies and institutions using geo-information technologies from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan shared their experiences and opportunities in research, innovation, and development. The workshop was also attended by researchers from Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Belgium, and Portugal, who shared the experience of their research groups in their respective universities.

The event was attended by almost one hundred people, who shared their experiences and opportunities in research, innovation, and development, obtaining comparative conclusions that will also be used for sustainability and exploitation purposes.

3.3/5 Delivering GIT training courses: Piloting new PhD courses in GIT

The Valencia course at UPV was focused on piloting new PhD courses in GIT by Armenian and Kyrgyz partners. This training was designed for local partners to teach one of the classes they will teach in their future Ph.D. courses. The European partners have contributed to the improvement of the courses with their comments and observations.

The course have been carried out:

Monday, December 4

      • A theoretical and a practical class about ‘Cloud Technologies‘ by Artak Piloyan from YSU.
      • A lecture on ‘Land Policy and Land Rearrangement’ by Gurgen Yeghiazaryan from ANAU.
      • A presentation on ‘Quality assurance policies in Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan and Armenia‘ by Ainura Isidailova of the Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan, and Varazdat Hovanishyan of NUACA.
      • A theoretical presentation of ‘Use of UAVs for mapping purposes’ by Seryozha Karapetyan of NUACA.

Tuesday, December 5

      • A theoretical lecture on ‘Research Communication and Ethics’ by Professor Arusyak Gharibyan of ANAU.
      • A lecture on ‘Tectonic modeling of landslide processes‘ by Prof. Talantbek Umarov from KSTU.
      • A practical lecture on ‘Construction of geological model‘ with Micromine software by Prof. Urmat Kazatov from KSTU.
      • A presentation on ‘State Institution for geodesy and cartography’ was given by the director of Goskartography Narynbek Isabekov.
      • A theoretical and practical lecture by professors Stepan Khachatryan and Varazdat Hovanishyan of NUACA.
      • And a theoretical and practical class on ‘Reference Systems in Geodesy‘ by professors Akylbeck Chymyrov and Narynbek Isabekov from KSTU.

On Wednesday 6th a technical visit was made.

On Thursday 7 classes resumed with the courses:

A total of 17 participants were selected: 5 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA, 2 persons each from ANUA, YSU, and OshTU, and 1 person from CCRA, Goscartography, and MOES. The event was also streamed online for teachers who were unable to attend in person.

3.3/6 Delivering GIT training courses: Environment

The technical training (6) in Kyrgyzstan was focused on Environmental monitoring and risk control. This training was divided into two parts, one held at OshTU University in Osh and the other at KSTU University in Bishkek.

    • In Osh three topics were explained: “Point cloud classification” by professors Luis A. and Jesús Torralba from UPV, “Geospatial data modelling and analyses within GIS” by professors Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec from UL; and Jonathan Chan from VUB gave a class online on “Hyperspectral remote sensing in geology“. In parallel Huaan Fan from KTH gave lectures at KSTU on “Math for geomatics“, “Basic concepts in theory of errors“, “Error propagation“, “Least squares adjustment“, “Least squares adjustment” and “Non-linear observation equations“.
    • In Bishkek, two topics were explained: “Remote sensing Change detection for environment” by Professors Luis A. and Jesús Torralba from UPV, and “Interoperability in GIS, geospatial databases” by Professors Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec from UL. In parallel Huaan Fan from KTH taught “Geodetic gravimetry” and “Geodetic reference systems (GRS)“.

The total number of participants selected were:

    • In Osh (20): 9 persons from OshTU, 3 persons from NUACA, 2 persons from ANAU and KSTU and 1 person from YSU. In addition, 2 technicians from the Miniter of Emergency Situations and the Director of LLC “Geocenter”. 
    • In Bishkek (23): 15 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA and ANAU, and 1 person from OshTU and YSU.

3.4/2 Transversal training in HE: Innovation

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) workshop in Stockholm was held on June 19-25, 2023. The workshop focused on several lectures on innovation and business models, several group works and Round Tables on university-industry cooperation in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan were held.

Specifically in the lectures were divided into two. First, professors Huaan Fan and Björn Berggren from KTH explained the following topics: “The knowledge triangle: education, research and innovation” and “Lectures on innovation and entrepreneurship“, respectively.

Wednesday began with a workshop on Innovation in geoinformation technology. In this workshop the following topics were discussed: “Fundamentals of building competitive and innovative ICT-centric ecosystems” by Carlos Machado from VUB, “Innovation-oriented higher education” and “Introduction to GIT entrepreneurship project work” by Professor Huaan Fan, from KTH, “Introduction to R+D+I programme Horizon Europe” by Professor Luis A. from UPV, “KTH’s experiences with industrial PhD studies” and “Survey and visualization of deformations of the Vasa Ship” by Milan Horemuz from KTH, and “University-industry cooperation in geoinformatics – projects and internships” by Professor Jonathan Chan from VUB.

A total of 20 participants were selected: 3 persons from NUACA, ANAU, YSU, OshTU, 8 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA, ANAU, YSU, KSTU and OshTU, 2 persons from Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia, and 1 person from Ministry of Education of Armenia, Goscartography and from the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan.

3.5 Curricula development at postgraduate level

In this task, each partner university has created interdisciplinary curricula in GIT at master and/or PhD level adapted to their needs, and developed course contents and teaching materials. The reform of curricula or creation of interdisciplinary doctorate per partner country university has focused in the application of new Geoinformation Technologies and modern equipment to the relevant research topics identified in WP1, integrating topics and involving external stakeholders from administration and industry in the definition of goals.

Curricula development:

        • KSTU:
          • KSUCTA
            • Ph.D. License (.pdf).
            • Ph.D. Program “Geodesy and Geoinformation Technologies” (English and Russian).
          • KSMU
          • Official co-supervision of Ph.D. thesis in the new doctorate program of KSTU by GeoTAK EU professors: 2023 y 2024.
        • OshTU:
          • Ph.D. License (.pdf).
          • Ph.D. Program “Cartography and Geoinformatics” (English and Russian).
        • Joint Armenian Degree on Geoinformation Technology between ANAU, YSU and NUACA:

Related activities:

        • Inter-Project meeting between ARMDOCT and GeoTAK. The consortium members of Erasmus + ARMDOCT and GEOTAK projects co-funded by the EU met to discuss cooperation possibilities for the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia and to strengthen the project outcomes on the national level. More News.
        • Meeting in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia with the Deputy Minister. More News.

3.6 Development of courses and materials

New course contents in GIS, applied photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy, 3D visualization, etc. are being developed. For each course, the following information is included: course name, semester, ECTS, learning objectives, competencies, prerequisites, theoretical lessons, practical exercises and projects, bibliography and other sources, faculty, and other information required by the regulations of each university.

Course description (Syllabus):

KSTU – KSUCTA (Geodesy and GeoInformation Technologies)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Pedagogy and psychology of high school: Syllabus
          • Critical thinking and research: Syllabus
          • Introduction to Geospatial Programming: Syllabus
          • Coordinate Systems in Geodesy: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies: Syllabus
          • Integrated Positioning and Navigation – Physical Geodesy: Syllabus
          • Remote Sensing Applications in Land and Environmental Management – Spatial Data Infrastructure: Syllabus

KSTU – KSMU (Applied Geology)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Modern Data Analysis Methods: Syllabus
          • Digital Technologies in Applied Geology – Modeling of Geological Objects and Processes: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies in Geology: Syllabus
          • Innovative Methods and Technologies in Search and Exploration of Mineral Resources: Syllabus
          • Modern Methods and Technologies of Remote Sensing in Geology: Syllabus

KSTU – KSMU (Mining)

          • Spatial Data Science: Syllabus
          • Scientific Research Methodology: Syllabus
          • Academic Writing and Communication: Syllabus
          • Research and application of software systems in mining: Syllabus
          • Digital technologies in mine surveying: movement and deformation of rocks due to mining: Syllabus
          • Advanced Geoinformation Technologies in Mining: Syllabus
          • Perspective Geotechnologies for Open Pit Mining of Mineral Deposits: Syllabus
          • Perspective Geotechnologies for Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits: Syllabus

OshTU (Cartography and GeoInformatics)

NUACA (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

YSU (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

ANAU  (Joint PhD Program on Geoinformation Technology)

4.1 Quality plan: Development

A quality assurance plan was developed by VUB partner country institution with the participation and support of other national partners and EU universities. The purpose was to foster the sustainability of curricula developed with the engagement of social stakeholders.

4.2 Monitoring visits

Field monitoring visits to organisations in the Partner Countries are particularly important in order to evaluate the impact of the project in these countries and to assess the sustainability prospects of the project outcomes.

These visits provided an opportunity to ensure sound and effective management of the CBHE funds and at the same time provided increased visibility of the EU support in the target countries.

Some of the activities carried out during the visits to the Partner Countries were:

  • Received feedback and reports from partners about the development of project activities and potential problems
  • Meeting were held with students and social stakeholders to collect opinions about project implementation and dissemination
  • Analysed the relationship between partners and identify communication lacks
  • Discussed and proposed solutions to improve the efficiency of the project

European partners visit Goscartography in Biskek on March 26th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rectors of ANAU, NUACA and YSU on October 14th, 2022. More news.

Meeting with the Rector of OshTU on June 1st, 2023, to discuss the implementation of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the IWM laboratory created by the project in 2022.

Meeting with OshTU teachers to monitor curriculum development, June 3 2023Attendance list.

Meeting with the professors of KSTU on June 6th, 2023, to discuss the programs of subjects of the new Ph.D. program and the activities carried out in the GIT laboratory created by the project in 2022. Attendance list.

5.2 Daily project management

Regular activities related to planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting between coordinator and partners were carried out throughout the project.

5.3 Project management meetings

The project management committee held sixteen meetings throughout the project, 9 online and 7 in situ. To be cost-effective, the last ones were scheduled in conjunction with other project activities.

At the meetings, the working group leader presented reports of the work done, discussed the activities, and developed work plans for upcoming activities for the next few months.

Project Management Meeting Online (February 11 and 12, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (March 26, 2021)

Project Management Meeting Online (May 7, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (June 24, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (October 29, 2021):

Project Management Meeting Online (January 21, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in KSUCTA, Bishkek (March 26, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UL, Ljubljana (June 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (October 14, 2022):

Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (November 29, 2022):

Project Management Meeting online (March 10, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in KTH, Stockholm (June 21, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (October 20, 2023):

Project Management Meeting online (November 24, 2023):


Project Management Meeting in UPV, Valencia (December 7, 2023):

Project Management Meeting in NUACA, Yerevan (January 11, 2024):

5.4 One-on-one meetings by videoconferences

One-on-one meetings were organised among partners as a complement to the project management meetings, in order to face specific aspects or management problems of the project that required fast communication.

6 Dissemination activities

The Dissemination & Exploitation plan has been prepared.

In Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, local partners have held events or disseminated news to promote the GeoTAK project.

    • News in the Armenian National Agrarian University.
    • National KoM meeting Erasmus + CBHE projects 2020, celebrated online on 17 and 18 March 2021. Agenda and more news.
    • GeoTAK project in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

    • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

    • Visit to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). In this Center, the Armenian and Kyrgyz partners were able to see the work that CRED has been developing for more than 40 years in the fields of international disaster and conflict health studies, with activities linking relief, rehabilitation and development. CRED also had the opportunity to learn about the GeoTAK project so that joint activities can be developed in the future.

    • The Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia announces on its website its support for the pilot Ph.D. program in the field of Geographic Information Technologies with specializations “Geodesy, including cartography and cadastre” and “Geography” between three universities of Armenia: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University and National Agrarian University of Armenia.
    • The GeoTAK project was presented at the Central Asia GIS Conference – GISCA 2023: “Geospatial approaches to understanding a changing world” in a special session. In this session, a member of each of the GeoTAK project partners presented different aspects of the project.

    • On June 29, 2023, within the framework of the GeoTAK project, GeoTAK project coordinator Luis Á. Ruiz, Professor Francisco Buchon of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and the Armenian coordinator Varazdat Hovhannisyan were at the Cadastre Committee to finalize aspects of the industrial Ph.D.

    • ANAU presented the GeoTAK project at Harvest Festival: Rural Life and Traditions in September 2023. More news.

    • ANAU hosts high school students at the GIT lab to promote and promote the university. More news.

    • A meeting was held with all partners to finalize the agenda for the final events of the project to be celebrated on January 8-12, 2024, in Yerevan, Armenia.

    • A total of 19 news items have been published on the ANUA website related to: 1) the participation of ANUA professors in GeoTAK activities, 2) the events in which ANAU has participated and publicized the GeoTAK project, the new GIT laboratory, and the new Ph.D. program.
6.1 Project website and social networks

Three main project websites were done by UPV, KSUCTA and NUACA connected to other informative websites in partner and programme country universities and UPV, as coordinator. To create and maintain the web pages, the project considered:

  • The structure and contents of the websites were defined by all partners.
  • The management committee of the project is in charge of coordinating the continuous update of the information.
  • An intranet is included for internal communication on the main website.

The web pages and WhatsApp group will be maintained until the end of the project and beyond to support sustainability.

Publication of news related to project activities in social networks:

6.2 Promotion of NRN-GIT

In this activity, digital and printed promotion booklets and brochures of the GeoTAK project were published in partner countries.

NRN-GIT was promoted by booklets, brochures and reports, by involved partners. Continuing education was advertised by mailing, in digital form and short descriptive digital brochures to target stakeholders. Electronic technical booklets were published through the internet and distributed.

NRN-GIT dissemination activities:

      • Skateholder meeting in the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA) in Biskek, to foster the advance of future activities. Agenda and more news.

      • Meeting at the cadaster Committee of the RA with stakeholders, presenting the results of the survey in GIT and debating the missions of the NRC in AR. More news.

      • GeoTAK NRN-GIT in GIS in Central Asia Conference (GISCA) 2022. Presentation and more News.

      • Dissemination video and poster of the activities carried out in the framework of the GeoTAK project and the NRN-GIT by the universities of KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU on the Erasmus days.

      • On July 7, 2023, the meeting of the Geomatics Center of the Cadastre Committee of the advisory board of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Integrated Cadastre was held under the chairmanship of the Committee, with the participation of the universities involved in the GeoTAK project. More news.
6.3 Final dissemination conference

The final dissemination conference was held in Yerevan on January 10, 2014, organized by NUACA and attended by university staff and students, Industry and GIT professionals, Agencies, and national administrations. The conference began with welcome addresses of the vice-rector of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Mr. Vardges Yedoyan, the Head of the Erasmus+ National Office of Armenia, Ms. Lana Karlova, and the project coordinator, Prof. Luis A. Ruiz.

During the conference, the project’s results were presented, highlighting sustainability issues and potential benefits for society and trying to promote links and future collaborations between local and international stakeholders.

This conference was held just after the International Workshop ‘Sharing experiences in R&I on GIT’, to attract more people and stakeholders and to maximize the travel budget.

6.4 Actions to ensure project sustainability

This task force is focusing on promoting the maintenance of the project’s achievements and philosophy in the long term, involving the Advisory Board, higher education institutions, students and society in promoting ideas and activities that will ensure sustainability. The cooperation agreement following the creation of NRN-GIT, is being signed by universities, industry and administration, future research collaboration activities and standards have been defined, and an important link is being created for the exploitation and sustainability of the project. During the project, meetings and workshops are being scheduled to engage stakeholders and promote sustainability.

    • Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to facilitate the beginning of a piloting PhD joint programme. More news.

    • Meeting in Goscartography to analyze national needs in KG and focus GeoTAK actions and trainings. More news.

    • Meetings of the project management committee with the rectors of the 6 PC universities, consolidating their support and fostering sustainability. More news.
    • The consortium members of Erasmus+ ARMDOCT and GEOTAK projects co-funded by the EU met to discuss cooperation possibilities for the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia and to strengthen the project outcomes on the national level. More news.

    • Agreement between KSTU and NUACA on joint academic programs, project work and students and teachers mobility (.pdf).
    • Agreement between KSTU and Goskartography for the implementation of industrial Ph.D. (.pdf).
    • Meeting with the authorities and team of ANAU. More news.

    • Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to initiate the piloting Ph.D. joint programme. More news.

    • Meeting in Cadastre Committe to consolidate the industrial Ph.D. agreement. More news.

  • Official co-supervision of Ph.D. thesis in the new doctorate program of KSTU by GeoTAK EU professors: 2023 y 2024.