The first kick-off meeting took place online in Bishkek co-organised by KSUCTA and KSMU.
- The partners were introduced
- The project proposal was revised
- A project management group was formed
- A quality committee was formed
- Quality plan draft was discussed
- A work plan was done for the first year.

The KoM was conducted in three days:
Day 1
- About GeoTAK (.pdf)
- GeoTAK description (.pdf)
- Presentations of partner universities: KTH, UL, VUB, ANAU, NUACA, YSU, KSUCTA, KSMU and OshTU
- Presentations of industrial partners and collaborators: CCRA,MESCS, Goscartography, MOES and KyrgyzGeoTech LLC.

Day 2
- Presentations from industry on research & innovation projects in Geomatics (.pdf)
- Presentations of project teams, postgraduate programs and accreditation steps (.pdf1 and .pdf2)
- GeoTAK Technical aspects (.pdf)

Day 3
- GeoTAK Project Management Meeting (I) (.pdf)
- Financial rules, justification, image and dissemination (.pdf)
- Procedure for GIT equipment procurement (.pdf)