The Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) workshop in Stockholm was held on June 19-25, 2023. The workshop focused on several lectures on innovation and business models, several group works and Round Tables on university-industry cooperation in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan were held.

Specifically, the lectures were divided into two:
- First, professors Huaan Fan and Björn Berggren from KTH explained the following topics: “The knowledge triangle: education, research and innovation” and “Lectures on innovation and entrepreneurship“, respectively.
- Wednesday began with a workshop on Innovation in geoinformation technology. In this workshop, the following topics were discussed: “Fundamentals of building competitive and innovative ICT-centric ecosystems” by Carlos Machado from VUB, “Innovation-oriented higher education” and “Introduction to GIT entrepreneurship project work” by Professor Huaan Fan, from KTH, “Introduction to R+D+I programme Horizon Europe” by Professor Luis A. from UPV, “KTH’s experiences with industrial PhD studies” and “Survey and visualization of deformations of the Vasa Ship” by Milan Horemuz from KTH, and “University-industry cooperation in geoinformatics – projects and internships” by Professor Jonathan Chan from VUB.

During the workshop, the 12th project management meeting was also held to review the progress of activities and the budget of each partner.
A total of 20 participants were selected: 3 persons from NUACA, ANAU, YSU, OshTU, 8 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA, ANAU, YSU, KSTU and OshTU, 2 persons from Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia, and 1 person from Ministry of Education of Armenia, Goscartography and from the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan.