The fiveth face-to-face Technical Training of the project, with the main topic “Piloting new PhD courses in GIT”, was held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) from December 4th to December 7rd , 2023. This training was designed for local partners to teach one of the classes they will teach in their future Ph.D. courses. The European partners have contributed to the improvement of the courses with their comments and observations.
The technical training, part of task 3.3-Deliver of GIT training courses, was divided into 3 topics and conducted by UPV teachers. In addition, there were presentations by the Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz Mapping Agency ‘Goskartography’.

Monday, December 4th
- A theoretical and practical class about ‘Cloud Technologies’ by Artak Piloyan from YSU.
- A lecture on ‘Land Policy and Land Rearrangement’ by Gurgen Yeghiazaryan from ANAU.
- A presentation on ‘Quality assurance policies in Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan and Armenia’ by Ainura Isidailova of the Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan, and Varazdat Hovanishyan of NUACA.
- A theoretical presentation of ‘Use of UAVs for mapping purposes’ by Seryozha Karapetyan of NUACA.
Tuesday, December 5th
- A theoretical lecture on ‘Research Communication and Ethics’ by Professor Arusyak Gharibyan of ANAU.
- A lecture on ‘Tectonic modeling of landslide processes’ by Prof. Talantbek Umarov from KSTU.
- A practical lecture on ‘Construction of geological model’ with Micromine software by Prof. Urmat Kazatov from KSTU.
- A presentation on ‘State Institution for geodesy and cartography’ was given by the director of Goskartography, Narynbek Isabekov.
- A theoretical and practical lecture by professors Stepan Khachatryan and Varazdat Hovanishyan of NUACA.
- And a theoretical and practical class on ‘Reference Systems in Geodesy’ by professors Akylbeck Chymyrov and Narynbek Isabekov from KSTU.
On Wednesday 6th a technical visit was made.
On Thursday 7th classes resumed with the courses:
- ‘Earth Observations for studying Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (theory and practice)’ taught by Matisakov Zhumakadyr and Gulshaan Ergeshova from OshTU.
- ‘GIS for thematic mapping of the Issyk-Kul Lake basin’ given by Professors Nursultan Ismailov and Saltanat Chymyrova from KSTU.
A total of 17 participants were selected: 5 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA, 2 persons each from ANUA, YSU, and OshTU, and 1 person from CCRA, Goscartography, and MOES. The event was also streamed online for teachers who were unable to attend in person.