The first presential and online Technical Training of the project, about the use of GIT for Natural Resources management, was held at the Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan) on March 22-24, 2022. The technical training is part of task 3.3 “Deliver GIT training courses” and was delivered in an hybrid manner, so Armenian partners were able to attend. The course was divided into 3 topics: (1) “Basics on optical remote sensing data processing” and “Land cover change detection using optical satellite data”, imparted by Bujar Fetai/Matej Račič/Anka Lisec from the University of Ljubljana (UL); (2) “Lidar data processing for forestry” and “Lidar data for biomass estimation and mapping”, imparted by prof. Luis A. Ruiz and Jesús Torralba from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV); and (3) “Hyperspectral data processing and analyses” given by Dr. Jonathan C-W Chan from Vrije Universitat Brussel (VUB).
At the same time, Dr. Huaan Fan and Dr. Armin Agha Karimi from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) lectured on “Overview of geoinformation technology”, “Satellite-based Earth monitoring using altimetry”, “Mathematical basics for GIT students” and “Geodetic reference systems” for the students and teachers of KSUCTA and KSMU in Biskek.

The presential attendance in Osh was approximately of 25 professors from OshTU, KSMU, KSUCTA and Goscartography. Also, more than 15 professors and professionals from NUACA, ANAU, YSU, CCRA and MESCS followed online.
In parallel, the two-days lectures were given by prof. Huaan Fan and Armin A. Karimi from KTH in Bishkek, with attendance of 20 students and teachers from KSUCTA and KSMU.