On December 27, 2023, Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University and the State Enterprise for Geodesy and Cartography “Goskartografiya” under the State Agency for Land Resources, Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography under the State Agency for Land Resources, Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic signed a cooperation agreement to carry out Industrial Ph.D.
The subject of the Agreement is the cooperation of mutual interest in the field of education, science, development, and implementation of educational programs and joint projects aimed at satisfying the needs of the Enterprise in the research and scientific-pedagogical personnel training, implementation of new technologies, research, and development.
The forms of joint activity are varied. Some of them are:
- Training of research and scientific-pedagogical personnel (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD) for the Enterprise following modern requirements to professional, personal skills, abilities to make a significant contribution to the development of geodesy, remote sensing, and geoinformation technologies.
- Involvement of specialists of the Enterprise to participate in the educational process, work in State certification and examination commissions for training fields demanded by the Enterprise.
- Involvement of teachers and researchers of the University to participate in geodetic works and scientific and practical research conducted by the Enterprise on obtaining spatial information, the realization of coordinate-temporal referencing and mapping of objects, phenomena, and processes on the Earth’s surface, on collection and distribution of geospatial data.
- Creation and functioning of the branch departments of the University at the Enterprise.
- Preparation of doctoral students’ dissertations following individual plans and by order of the Enterprise.
- Participation of the Enterprise in the development and improvement of educational programs of the University.
- Participation of the Enterprise in public and professional accreditation of educational programs of the University.
You can read the complete Agreement at this link.