This task force is focusing on promoting the maintenance of the project’s achievements and philosophy in the long term, involving the Advisory Board, higher education institutions, students and society in promoting ideas and activities that will ensure sustainability. The cooperation agreement following the creation of NRN-GIT, is being signed by universities, industry and administration, future research collaboration activities and standards have been defined, and an important link is being created for the exploitation and sustainability of the project. During the project, meetings and workshops are being scheduled to engage stakeholders and promote sustainability.
- Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to facilitate the beginning of a piloting Ph.D. joint programme. More news.

- Meeting in Goscartography to analyze national needs in KG and focus GeoTAK actions and trainings. More news.

- Meetings of the project management committee with the rectors of the 6 PC universities, consolidating their support and fostering sustainability. More news.
- The consortium members of Erasmus+ ARMDOCT and GEOTAK projects co-funded by the EU met to discuss cooperation possibilities for the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia and to strengthen the project outcomes on the national level. More news.

- Agreement between KSTU and NUACA on joint academic programs, project work and students and teachers mobility (.pdf).
- Agreement between KSTU and Goskartography for the implementation of industrial Ph.D. (.pdf).
- Meeting with the authorities and team of ANAU. More news.

- Meeting of the project management committee with the Deputy Ministry of Education of Armenia, to initiate the piloting Ph.D. joint programme. More news.

- Meeting in Cadastre Committe to consolidate the industrial Ph.D. agreement. More news.